We find unclaimed property for

1 in 10 Americans

It is completely free to
determine if you are owed funds.

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Finderish was founded to help you make a nearly impossible search possible. There is no singular centralized database that holds all of your unclaimed property.

Your unclaimed property could be held by the state you currently live in, used to live in or have worked in the past.

We seek to simplify the process and ensure that all stones are uncovered in your unclaimed property search.

State governments and treasuries Hold


Average claim value

Our State Knowledge


Any state you've lived in, worked in or were an executor of an estate could be holding funds owed to you.

Know more

Unclaimed property could be anything from an old safety deposit box to uncashed checks from a corporation or insurance company. When a company can’t get in contact with you they are legally required to turn those funds over to the state. Unclaimed money is the most common type of unclaimed property and includes bank accounts, uncashed payroll checks, insurance refunds, utility deposits and more.

Each state has a unique database responsible for tracking its unclaimed funds. You will need to search every state you’ve lived in, worked in or acted as an executor in. Navigate to your states’ pages and you will find what is required to conduct your search and the necessary place to do so.

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