Maine –> Unclaimed Property Search
Phone Number: (207) 624-7470
Phone Number Toll-Free in Maine Only: (888)-283-2808
Email: [email protected]
Email for Status: [email protected]
Address: Office of the State Treasurer
39 State House Station
Burton M. Cross Office Building, 3rd Floor
111 Sewall Street
Augusta, Maine 04333-0039
If you reside in Maine – or have ever lived or worked in Maine, you may have money owed to you by the state – also known as Unclaimed Property. You should check with the Office of the State Treasurer to see if there are funds in your name.
Maine has over $300 million dollars to return!
To start, visit the State of Maine Unclaimed Property Website by clicking Unclaimed Property Search. Here you’ll enter your last name or a business name with the option of including your first name, city, and/or zip code. You can also search by a property ID if you have it. The page also includes helpful hints for searching using variations of names.
If you find unclaimed property in your name, you can next file a claim to get it back. Claims are processed in the order that they are received. In most cases, the claims process can be completed within a few weeks of receipt. After your claim is filed, check here for its status.
Maine notes there is no time limit and no fee for this service. The State of Maine holds unclaimed funds in trust – with the State Treasurer as custodian – until the funds are claimed by the owner or heir. The State never takes ownership of the money.