Maryland –> Unclaimed Property Search
Phone Number Baltimore Area: (410) 767-1700
Phone Number Toll-Free: (800) 782-7383
Email: [email protected]
Address: State Office Bldg.
301 W Preston Street, Room 310
Baltimore, MD 21201-2384
If you currently or have previously worked or lived in Maryland, you should check with the Comptroller of Maryland to see if you have unclaimed property.
To start, visit the Comptroller of Maryland’s Unclaimed Property Search page by clicking Unclaimed Property Search. Enter your last name to conduct your search. First name is optional but can help narrow your results.
If you find the name you are searching for, print and complete the claim form ST-912. On the form, be sure to include the claim number that appears with the account and copies of any documentation. Submit all to the Comptroller’s Office at the address on the form.
The office does not have office hours for Unclaimed Property Claim assistance but you can make an appointment here.
Maryland notes that owners or their legitimate heirs can claim the funds at any time. There is no statute of limitations.