
Oregon –> Unclaimed Property Search

Phone Number: (503) 378-4000
Email: [email protected]
Address: Oregon State Treasury
Unclaimed Property Program
867 Hawthorne Ave. SE
Salem, OR 97301

If you live in or have previously lived in Oregon or if you have worked in Oregon, you should check with the Oregon State Treasury to see if you have property owed to you.

Oregon has already returned over half a billion dollars!

To start your search visit the Oregon State Treasury search page by clicking Unclaimed Property Search. You can search by last name or business name and add a first name if it will help narrow your results. You can further narrow your results by adding a city, zip code, or property ID. Step-by-step instructions for completing your search can be found here.

If you determine funds are owed to you, you will need to file a claim to receive your funds.

Once you file a claim, you can click here to check its status.

To search for military medals and insignia reported as unclaimed property to Oregon, click here.

Your Unclaimed Property Awaits