Pennsylvania –> Unclaimed Property Search
Phone Number: (800) 222 2046
Email: [email protected]
Address: 4th Floor, Riverfront Office Center
1101 South Front Street
Harrisburg, PA 17104-2516
Mailing Address: Treasury – Unclaimed Property
P.O. Box 1837
Harrisburg, PA 17105-1837
If you currently live in Pennsylvania, have lived in Pennsylvania or have worked for a company in Pennsylvania, you should check with the Pennsylvania Treasury to see if you have property owed to you.
First, visit Pennsylvania’s Treasury by clicking Unclaimed Property Search. There, you can conduct your search to see if you are owed any unclaimed property by the state of Pennsylvania.
Enter your last name or company, select the CAPTCHA and click Search Properties to get started. You can also add your first name, zip code, address or city to narrow down the search results. The state of Pennsylvania also recommends that if your name includes punctuation you should conduct searches with and without the characters.
Next review the results to determine if any of the returned names are you. Should you determine that there are funds owed to you, you will now need to file a claim to receive your funds.
In Pennsylvania, the state will maintain custody over your property indefinitely. In other words, there is no deadline for the rightful owner or their heirs to claim the property.
Pennsylvania will process claims based on the order in which they receive them. Depending on the volume of requests it could take up to 10 months for your claim to be processed.