Kansas –> Unclaimed Property Search
Phone Number: (785) 296-4165
Contact Form: Click here to contact them electronically
Address: 900 SW Jackson, Suite 201
Topeka, KS 66612
If you live in Kansas or have previously lived or worked in Kansas, you may have unclaimed property – in other words, money owed to you. You can check with the Kansas State Treasurer to see if there are funds owed to you.
To start your search, visit the Kansas Unclaimed Property site by clicking Unclaimed Property Search
Enter your last name or business name to get started and click Search. You can also add your first name or initial and/or middle name or initial. You must also select from a drop-down menu to indicate where you heard about the search and click a box to accept a property search disclaimer. Next, review the results to determine if any of the returned names are you.
Should you determine that there are funds owed to you, you will next need to file a claim to receive your funds.
Once you file a claim, you can check back here to see its status.
Kansas notes, there is no time limit on claiming the funds which will always be available for the owner or heir(s) of the owner to claim. However, stock properties must be liquidated within 6 months and the proceeds are applied to the property for the owner or heir. Safe deposit box contents are sold within 3 years and proceeds from the sale are applied to the owner’s property.