Montana –> Search for Unclaimed Cash
Phone Number: (406) 444-6900
Toll-Free Phone: (866) 859-2254
Email: [email protected]
Address: Montana Department of Revenue
PO Box 5805
Helena, MT 59604-5805
Call Center Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm MST
Friday 9:00 am to 1:00 pm MST
If you live in Montana, there is a chance that you or a loved one may have unclaimed property waiting for you to claim. Fortunately, the state of Montana has an Unclaimed Property Program that is dedicated to reuniting unclaimed property with its rightful owners.
In the last fiscal year, the Montana Department of Revenue’s Unclaimed Property Program received $8.3 million from businesses or other holders of unclaimed property. The department processed 4,900 claims and returned about $3.4 million to owners.
To begin your search for unclaimed property in Montana, start by clicking Search for Unclaimed Cash. From there, you can search for your name or the names of your family members to see if any unclaimed property is linked to your name. You can also search for unclaimed property linked to a business or organization.
If you find that you have unclaimed funds, you will need to fill out a claim form and provide proof of your identity and ownership of the funds. This is a quick and simple process you can do right there in the online portal.
It is important to note that the state of Montana has a strict escheatment law, which means that after a certain period of time, unclaimed property must be turned over to the state. If you do not claim your property, it may be sold at auction.