New York

New York –> Search For Lost Money

Phone Number: (800) 221-9311
Fax Number: (518) 270-2222
Contact Us Form: click here
Address:Office of the State Comptroller
Office of Unclaimed Funds
110 State Street
Albany, New York 12236
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

If you currently live in New York, have lived in New York or have worked for a company in New York, you should check with the New York State Comptroller to see if you have property owed to you.

First, visit New York’s State Comptroller Office by clicking Search For Lost Money. There, you can conduct your search to see if you are owed any funds by the state of New York.

Enter your last name or organization name and click Search. You can narrow down your results by adding a middle initial or a city of residence on the search results page.

If you often use a nickname or your name is frequently spelled wrong, search for those names as well. Review the results to determine if any of the returned names are you.

Should you determine that funds are owed to you, you will now need to file a claim to receive your funds.

For a complete list of the required documents that you will need to make a claim, click here. Once you have a claim reference number you can check the status of your claim by clicking here.

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